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Anna M.

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Meet our Residents

A Splash of That – aka Splash Born in 1992 Splash is almost 29 years old. He is Liv Stables living testimonial! 
Splash is an OTTB Didn’t do too well in racing, was tall, lanky and awkward as a youngster.
I leased him as I trained him up before finally purchasing him and have now owned him for over 25 years!  I don’t remember my life without him in it. He was an event horse, competing at the Preliminary level  – the underdog, we had to train really hard – dressage was not his forte but loved the cross country and was such a good boy – never left my side, never let me down. We’ve “been there, jumped that” all across Ontario & parts of the USA. Splash lost an eye later in life – survived two surgeries- first to fix and when that failed second to remove and was continued to be ridden and happy post one eye life. Has a heart of gold even though he is a little bit of a grumpy old man now 😆All I ever wanted was for him to live out his days checking every single box and that’s exactly what he is doing at Liv Stables – after everything he has given me in life he deserves only the best.

Splash Photo Album

A photo is worth a 1000 words

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