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Bones and Muscles: Horse Anatomy

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When you have a horse, it is very important that you understand several basic parts of horse anatomy to be sure that you are caring for your horse in the best way possible. You can do this through studying on your own or you can talk to your vet to learn the very basics.

First of all, you should know that laying down is very hard on your horse. Horse’s bodies are not meant to lay down for long periods of time, which is why you need to know that if your horse is laying down, there is something wrong with him. If a horse lays down for any amount of time they are risking damaging their internal organs, so if you see your horse laying down, you have to be sure to call your vet immediately, because it is an emergency.

The legs of your equine friend are not just crucial – they’re everything. They not only hold his entire weight and provide support during rest and active hours, but they’re delicate and susceptible to injury. In the event of a broken leg, your horse will endure significant discomfort as laying down to recover is not an option. The takeaway here lies in the keen attention you have to give to your horse’s legs and feet consistently. A cardinal rule for every horse owner is maintaining the health of their horse’s legs.

Additionally, a crucial aspect of your horse’s wellbeing lies in the skin and coat care. These key elements play a substantial role in preventing complications and contributing to your horse’s overall cheerfulness and health. Therefore, your focus on the skin and coat cannot be overstated. A daily grooming routine, accentuated with a thorough grooming after each ride, aids in this upkeep. Make it your mission to give your best shot in caring for your horse’s skin, coat and overall health.

It is also important to note that a horse has a very advanced heart and lung system that can allow them to keep running or walking for along time. This doesn’t mean that your horse never needs to rest; it simply means that you can exercise your horse more than you are going to be able to exercise yourself! Keep all of these things in mind if you own a horse.

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